He was from one part of the world, and she was from another and they were both a little differrrent.

One day, decided to go on an adventure with a group of other like-minded friends.

They traveled from one place

to another.

While in that other new place, they learned a new language.

(They shared the language book...
...because everyone knows that sharing is caring.)
...because everyone knows that sharing is caring.)
They went shopping at an outdoor market, called a suk, where they bought things...like pots;

they road camels;
they tried new foods, drank a lot of tea;
and they shared new music with one another. One of the friends really liked a song called "Fatima.")
They also went on a hike. One of them climbed a tree while they rested in the shade.

They did a lot of other really neat things and had many incredible adventures while in this far-away place, but that would make for a very long story to tell. Eventually, though, they had to return home...and he went away again (this time on an adventure of his own).
But they were still friends. So, one day, she wrote him a note to tell him so...
The End.
Shukran! :D
Afwan. :)
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